Monday, July 29, 2019

Life minus Perfection = JOY

I think when you take PERFECTION out of your life equation it makes life way more fun. 
That, my friends, is exactly what I experienced recently when I tried the rope swing while floating down the Saco, River in NH. The rope was high up for a non-adventurer like myself.  The water wasn't as deep as I would have liked either.  Seemed a good height for breaking a bone.  To be honest I was going to pass and not jump.  The group I was with (the adults) seemed non-interested so I figured I was all good.  But a group of raucous ladies came about.  I'm all about having a good time and these ladies had it going on!  I quickly made friends and challenged them to a jump.  I figured they wouldn't climb out of their tubes.  Two brave ladies took me up on the challenge.  They climbed up the side of the banking like pros and at each turn they grabbed a hold of the rope swing like it was a giant piece of spaghetti.  They both landed in the water like graceful swans.  "Oh NO!  My Turn."  My heart was pounding.  Backing out was not an option.  I can proudly say in my 49 years my word is true.  GULP!  It helped as the big caravan of women chanted my name along with my family.  I made sure to preface I would not be as graceful.  I plodded up the side of the hill like a bull.  I grabbed hold of the rope which was a lot heavier than my 2 new friends made it look.  GULP.  I held on.  As I gathered my courage my head had many a thought...don't get hurt, hold on tight,  remember to let go, and God I hope I don't look foolish.  But with-in an instant with all the cheering, my heart beating and my body shaking I said to myself, "Who cares, Kim!  Just JUMP!"  And I did.  And it wasn't pretty but oh my was it FUN!!!!! When I came up out of the water to all the cheers it was pure JOY! 

REVIN UP may not be perfect but it sure can be a blast!!! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Totally Rad

The 80's.  Like totally cool.  Remember when the hair was big, the oversized neon sweatshirt hanging off one shoulder, over a pair of stirrup pants with leg warmers.  And let us not forget acid washed jeans, shoulder pads, MTV,  boom boxes, Atari, self made tapes for your Walkman.  Playing music like, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Journey, Def Leopard, The Boss.  Watching movies, Top Gun, ET, The Goonies, and my 2 favorites....Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club!  AHHHH, I've been walking down memory lane this past week.  Wishing the calendar read 1987.  The summer I was a graduate entering the "real" world.  Ohhhh, looking back at that young big eyed girl.  Full of lots of dreams but no direction.  The road was ahead but I had no idea which way to go.  (at that age who really does???)
       I've come up with 3 things I would tell my young self at that time....
            1.  Go for IT!  BUT have a PLAN! What ever you dream write it down and make a plan.  Then GET BUSY & DO IT!
            2.  SAVE $$$$$$!  You do not need those shoes or that sweater.  Put them back and get yourself to the bank!
            3. LOVE & LAUGH!  Do not worry about what others may think or say.  LOVE who you are.  You are worthy.  You are enough.  Now GO and LOVE all of LIFE.  LAUGH a lot!  Do not be so serious.  Giggle often.  Belly Laugh lots.  Surround yourself with what and who makes you happy and brings you joy.
               footnote.....You'll be fine- just chill.  You're not a dweeb-you're really gnarly & rad.
                                 And life has been WICKED TUBULAR!



  We just set our clocks ahead one hour.  Every time I do this it makes me contemplate time.  Time wasted.  Time well spent.  Hurry here, hu...