Monday, March 23, 2020

This Roller Coaster Ride....Covid 19

Get me off of this thing!!!!

Scared, not scared.  Scared, not scared. 
This is me.  Changes hour to hour.  Minute by minute. 

No control.  That's my issue.  And that is what scares me.  Having NO CONTROL.
We have to put our faith in others.  In hopes that they do the right thing. 

It's a BIG world out there but this Covid-19 nightmare has made it seem very small.

I've been trying to reflect on the things I DO have control over...
  • Washing my hands.  Telling my kids to wash their hands.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting my home.
  • Going out only to get groceries or necessities. (coming home to scrub myself like I'm a surgeon)
  • Eating food that fuels my body, mind, and spirit.  Drinking more water than alcohol. (it's been tempting)
  • Getting outside to walk.  Breathing in and out.  Taking in the sounds of the earth coming back to life.
  • Doing yard work in March. 
  • Lots of reading and writing.  (No excuses)
  • Being with family. (the boys are forced to be with mom & dad.  AHHHH!)
  • Sitting around the house and looking and feeling at all my blessings.
This too shall pass.  And before long life will get back to normal.  My hope is I'll remember this ride...the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Stay healthy.  Stay happy.
Revin UP to kick Covid-19 in the butt!


  We just set our clocks ahead one hour.  Every time I do this it makes me contemplate time.  Time wasted.  Time well spent.  Hurry here, hu...