Sunday, October 18, 2020

My Dad

    There is a man I know...
He is a man of action.  He sees a problem he gets to a solution.
He is a man of guidance.  He won't do it for you but he'll be there with you.
He is a man of courage.  He tries and says it is "okay" if it doesn't work out.
He is a man of grace and purpose.  He has touched so many-in so many different ways.
                                   Because of this man people are compassionate.
                                   Because of this man people dream and dream big.
                                   Because of this man people have faith.
When I close my eyes at night I see a man who wipes the eyes of a crying child and wraps her in a warm embrace.
I see a man who gently picks up a person after a fall.
I see a man who offers a bed to a tired soul.
I see a man who feeds the hungry and shelters the homeless.
I see a man who walked with us, who grew tired and sick and was called home to be with his Father in Heaven.
                                That man was our father.
                                That man was our son.
                                That man was our husband.
                                That man was our brother.
                                That man was our grandfather.
                                That man was our friend.

This man was in fact my dad.  He died 15 years ago.  He started a food cellar (pantry) St. Joseph's Food Cellar in my home town of Attleboro, Mass.  at our church.  Many times I would hear people ask my dad who were these people in the food line.  He'd always answer the same, "they are you or me."  That was how my book Footprints in the Snow was born.  Days after his passing I drove to LaSalette Shrine, sat in my car, in the parking lot, and wrote.  The words flowed onto the page.  I'm sure my dad penned this story with me.  

 During this time in our lives where life is uncertain lets help by giving compassion and hope to others.  Purchase my book.  All proceeds will go to the St. Josephs Food Cellar.
Thank you in advance.  Peace & God Bless.

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scroll down to Bookstore.  Click on Discover Authors
in the search bar type, Footprints in the Snow


  We just set our clocks ahead one hour.  Every time I do this it makes me contemplate time.  Time wasted.  Time well spent.  Hurry here, hu...