Sunday, January 31, 2021


 Happiness is...

 A warm puppy & a book...

An ice cream cone on a hot summer day...

A cozy blanket with a hot cup of coco on a frigid day...

Children's laughter...

The song of the birds at sunrise...

A warm embrace...

A secret kiss...

Finishing a race when you thought you couldn't...

A new hair cut that you really like...

New shoes...

The first taste of your morning coffee...

Dancing & singing to your favorite song...

Watching the sunset...

Having a good cry...

Friends & Family...

Counting your blessings and realizing how rich and wonderful your life is...

What's your Happiness is...


Sunday, January 24, 2021

 Closing this book I had many tears in my eyes.  With the turn of each page it was like having a conversation at my kitchen table with the one and only Michael J. Fox.  He was witty and brutally honest. As the reader we are privileged to get to know Mike Fox and his beautiful family and friends.

I wanted to read this book because of the words stated on the front cover, "An Optimist Considers Mortality."  I've hit middle age so to say mortality creeps into my mind more often these days is an understatement.  

Things that I learned...

  • Family & Friends are the foundation to all things that matter. 
  • Love is what keeps everything from crashing down around you.
  • Life is full of choices.  Choose wisely.
  • Live a life of goodness.  Others maybe watching and learning from you.
  • Be present.
  • Learn from the past.
  • Gratitude.  Be thankful for all that life gives you.
  • And like Michael J Fox we all can be realists yet still be optimistic in all things LIFE.
CHEERS TO REVIN UP!  & Thank you Michael J. Fox and Family.


    Monday, January 18, 2021


    I so love this quote.  When I first opened my bookstore years ago it was this quote that hung in my office.  I could read it every day.  It motivated me through the uncertain times of opening and not knowing what is to come.  It helped sooth me in the days, years later, when I had to make the decision of closing the store's doors.  It is in the moments of not knowing that one must draw upon one's faith.  

    Watching toddlers take their first step.  They have faith.

    Watching birds lift off in flight.  They have faith.

    Watching  baseball players at the plate ready to swing.  They have faith.

    Watching ballerinas take their first leap.  They have faith.

    Faith is hard to come by.  You can't see it, feel it, taste it, or hear it.  You simply must believe in it.

    The staircase is your worst fear.  Have faith you can conquer it.

    The staircase is your dream.  Have faith and you can achieve it.

    The staircase is your passion.  Have faith and you can live it.

    The staircase is your life.  Have faith and you will know peace.


    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    Dog Days

     We recently adopted a puppy.  His name is Thor.  Named after our beloved dog, THOReau, who passed away recently. We now share our lives with Thor and Kallie.

     It never ceases to amaze me at the life lessons these furry creatures teach me on a daily basis....

    *Wake up!  There is an entire day waiting to be explored.

    *Enjoy every bite of your food.

    *Curl up in a nice tight ball on the comfy side of the couch, relax; everything will still be just the way it was after the nap.

    *Never miss a chance for a car ride.  It just might take you on an unforgettable adventure.

    *Each time you go outside for a walk lift your head up and sniff the air.  Breathe in.  It's a great day to be alive.

           *Play hard, play often, and play with a friend.  It's fun to be silly.

           *Stop, look out the window and watch the world go by.  Realize how blessed you are and count your many blessings.

           *Give love and affection to those that mean the most in your life. And then do it some more.

    DOG spelled backwards=GOD.  Coincidence???   I think not.


    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    Embrace What You Fear

    I am petrified of snakes.  I'm terrified of heights.  I am scared

    of speaking to large groups of people and I am leery of dogs I do not know. 

    I'm afraid to share my writing.

    I'm afraid to have anyone see my paintings.

    I'm afraid of failing at exercise.

    I'm afraid of taking time for myself.

    I'm afraid of sucking at everything I start.

    But that FEAR does not stop me from writing, painting,kickboxing, doing things special for only me, and trying new things. 

    The FEAR fuels me.  It inspires me to do, try, and get better.  I'm a work in progress for the good the bad and the ugly. 

    You won't find me cuddling up to a snake or bungee jumping off a cliff  but you will find me sweating and shaking in my shoes when I read the story I just wrote, or turn the painting around that I just finished, or when my left jab falls short ,or I go for that walk when time maybe limited.

    Come over here FEAR let me give you a big hug.



      We just set our clocks ahead one hour.  Every time I do this it makes me contemplate time.  Time wasted.  Time well spent.  Hurry here, hu...