Sunday, February 28, 2021

"There are two gifts we should give our children; one is roots, and the other is wings"                                                                                                                                   

Today was a day that was full of emotion.  My oldest son, Konrad, went to work.  It was his first day.  I was so proud of him.  But so nervous too.  Looking at him as he came out of his room all dressed and ready to go.  He was full of nerves.  I tried to be strong and positive for him.  Deep inside myself I was a wreck.  My husband and I dropped him off.  It reminded me of when we dropped him off for his first day of Kindergarten.  He was full of apprehension then and today.  I could see it in his face.  He said he was nervous.  Again, we gave him words of encouragement and said our good byes.  Watching him walk away was hard, today and back then.  Each time I wanted to run out of the car and say "Get back in here. You're not ready." But I had to take a deep breath, both times, and allow those wings to grow.  

Roots are the easy part.  The foundation is love.

Wings are where it's tough.  To give them wings you must let go.  

(even if today was tough)


Monday, February 22, 2021

Pet Peeves

 There are some things that really make my blood boil.  I call them my pet peeves.  Ask my family and they will tell you I have many.

Like...Flatulence of any kind, snoring, and chewing loudly.

Or how about when I'm driving and I look in the rearview mirror and I can see the driver's nose hairs.

At home my kids don't put the cap on the toothpaste, or replace the toilet paper when it's completely out, and they hardly ever hang their wet bath towels. 

BUT the one pet peeve that irks me the most, that really makes me want to blow my stack is when irresponsible dog owners DO NOT pick up their dog's poop!  

When I walk my dogs and see all the poop land mines it makes me furious.  I carry plastic bags and when my 2 go #2 I bend down and scoop it up.  It's gross but I do it.  I certainly don't want another walker steeping in it!  Because that my friends is a whole other pet peeve.

Dear reader I know you must have some pet peeves of your own...leave them in the comments.  I'd love to read them.

And to all new followers I am so psyched you are on the REVIN UP journey!  Welcome aboard. 


Monday, February 15, 2021

The Written ROSE

 A Rose.  Simple.  Beautiful.  Profound.

The petals that make up the flower speak to us.  

Each petal gives us a word,


















Follow each petal inward, taking us to the center of the rose, giving us one last word...


Happy Love Day one day late.  Much love to all who are following and supporting this blog.  xoxo


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Unanswered Prayers

 "Remember when you're talkin to the man upstairs that just because he may not answer doesn't mean he don't care.  Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."  Lyrics to Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks

And that is just the song I sang to myself when I did not get accepted to the MFA program in creative writing at SNHU.

Let me back up...picture this...a young, little Kim sitting on her deck in the hot summer sun reading Judy Blume books one after the other.  Enter her Nana asking, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  Looking up over the book wide eyed and without missing a beat, little Kim answers, "A writer."

Ahhh, a fond memory indeed.  Dear reader now can you hear the breaks of life coming to a screeching halt...that is twists and turns, ups and downs of life getting in the way of my young self's dream.  Walk with me now as I finally take the plunge into applying for that MFA.  Sweat drips off my brow as I hit send.  Waiting for the call with unsettled fear and hope.  When finally it arrives.  I hear the words, "You did not get accepted."  OUCH.

But wait, I start to sing.  It's a song of a secret.  That sometime things don't happen for a reason.  My ego was hurt but deep with in I knew it was supposed to be this way.  My little kid dream of being that writer is not gone.  In fact with this happening it has fueled my fire with more ferocity.  I'm now on a mission to become that writer.  And nothing will stop me.

Everything, I believe, happens or doesn't happen for a reason.  It all comes down to perseverance and grit.  Do you have what it takes to get IT done?  You do!  Reach inside yourself and find it.  Then go and make IT happen.



  We just set our clocks ahead one hour.  Every time I do this it makes me contemplate time.  Time wasted.  Time well spent.  Hurry here, hu...