Sunday, September 29, 2019


Mind over matter.  Isn't that how the saying goes?  In these 49 years I've come to realize the mind is a powerful tool.  When set in motion it can move you in ways that conquers and inspires, yet ,on the other side, the mind can be a total beast and set you back with doubt and insecurities.

The photo to the left is my grandfather, aka BABA.  He had a phrase of wisdom that he taught me, along with his other grandchildren, 
P A  C E.
Positive, Attitude, Changes, Everything.

I try to use this every single time I get a beast mind.  When my mind wants to kick me down to my lowest point  I call on P A C E to get me back on track.  It allows me to realize that it truly is all mind over matter.  That gaining that positive attitude shuts the beast up.  For me, most of the time, it is a constant battle in my mind.  But to move and change one must stay the course.  In doubt P A C E to the rescue.

footnote....In the photo Baba is shaking hands with President Gerald Ford.  He was honored to meet him to share in the P A C E movement. 



  1. Hello Revin Up! Yeah, its hard to be positive when life happens sometimes. I am lucky to say I have family and several great friends who always set me straight,show compassion when I'm down. They cheer me up or cheer me on.

    1. I love your words..."They cheer me up or cheer me on!" That is well said.

  2. I needed this today, AND, I love the picture!



  We just set our clocks ahead one hour.  Every time I do this it makes me contemplate time.  Time wasted.  Time well spent.  Hurry here, hu...