I'm now 50 + 3 days. Revin Up for 50...I DID IT!!!
I ran with the inspiring Mr. Raven. I completed 8 miles in Miami. It took me 3 hours. The first 4 miles were great. I felt strong. By mile 6 my legs started to burn. Mile 7 I was getting tired. Mile 8 my knees were killing me. Raven runs every day with spinal stenosis. Now that is pain. So my discomfort was nothing compared to his. I pushed on and made it! I now will be known to Raven and all other Raven runners as 12 mice.
I must be honest the hours before this run (which takes place every day at 4:30pm at the 5th St. life guard station) were TERRIBLE. I was a total wreck from the moment I woke up. I wear a fit bit and the heart monitor registered in the high 80s all thru the day. I felt sick. Light headed. I was grumpy and full of negativity. I kept yelling at myself, "Why did I do this?!" "Why do I put myself thru unnecessary shit like this?!" "I'm not a runner!!" "I'll never complete this and I came all this way!!!" These thoughts over powered me hour by hour. I wanted to cry. I wanted to quit before I even started. But 4:30 arrived and somehow my feet actually made it over to the life guard stand. I looked over and walking toward me was Raven. With my stomach doing flips and my heart beating out of my chest Raven gave me knuckles and off we went. Two other runners joined us for 4 miles. At mile 5 another runner. She stayed with us a few miles then it was just Raven and I. We talked easily. He told me some amazing stories. We also talked baseball. During the run Raven (unbeknownst to him) helped me believe in myself. He made me realize that I could do this. My body is strong. My mind is too. I just need to push and not stop. (This lesson I will add to my daily living.)
Raven is amazing and a beautiful human being. With his passion and wild dedication to running he has touched so many people. I feel so blessed to have been able to share a run with this special, wonderful person.
At the end of the run, with my new nickname & aching knees I had a huge smile on my face. I'm 50 and I DID IT!
Now I am REVIN UP for 50 MORE!!!!
12 mice you are an inspiration! NEVER, NEVER give up on yourself or your dreams! Rockin at 50!