Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Hello, work in progress....AGAIN

Why does one give up on oneself? 

 I've been asking myself this question for the past few months.     
                                       I gave up on me. 
I stopped writing.  I was frozen by the thought of putting pen to paper or finger tip to key board.  
I even said to myself I'm giving up.  No more writing.
But a soft, little push came my way. It was simple yet profound.  And here I sit and type.

The answer to my question, I think, but I'm still pondering is I continue to be a work in progress.  We all are.  But if you are like me, you may be impatient.  I'm impatient for the book to get written.  You may make excuses, like me saying  "I have no time".  Or you may take the simple way out and say, "It's not meant to be.  I'm giving up."  I did just that.  Until that gentle push. 

I forgot that a work in progress takes time.  It takes dedication.  It takes commitment.  And it takes a lot of sweat and tears.

I am happy to report that this typing feels good.  I also just worked on another chapter in the book I am writing.  And that felt great too. 

I must remember that hard work will pay off.  Just keep on keeping on, again & again & again. 

Revin Up for 50 more!  I'm back and I feel ready!!  AGAIN!!

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