Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Live hard, LOVE harder

Since my last blog post, a little over a week ago, two people I know have been given 2-3 months to live.  Cancer. 
That word is so ugly to me.  I HATE it with all my heart and soul.  My dad was 58 when he lost his fight.  I often think when I turn 50 this year I could only have 8 years left.
My heart has been heavy watching the loved ones of these two beautiful beings who have limited time here on earth. 
I keep asking WHY?  I get no answers in reply.  I don't go to church but I'm a spiritual person.  I see GOD in nature that surrounds me.  The birds that sing to me in the morning.  The trees.  The mountains.  The ocean.  The sky.  I can feel there is more to this life here on earth.  There is more to this shell of a body that holds my soul.
I know my dad is with me.  Even if I can't see him, I can feel him.  But I still ask, WHY?
I'm sad and angry.  For the loss of my dad and the pain and sorrow for life ending too soon for friends.
The answer to the why will not come now- I hope someday, maybe.  Faith makes me look at the pain and sorrow, it makes me dissect the hurt.  To find the lesson. 
With my father the lesson has always been to care for others.  Be kind.  Do God's work.
Maybe the lessons from all suffering is to live hard and LOVE harder.
Hug those you love tonight extra hard.  Life is a blessing and we don't know how long we have.
Can you all do something for me.....
In memory of my dad do a KIND act for someone.
In the comments below tell me what you did. 
Out of pain we can find joy. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

We (well if I'm honest, me) tend to make life so much harder than it needs to be.  Worry, Fear, and Stress can take over my entire being.  Lately, however, this REVIN UP for 50 has made me STOP to think about each and every time that I Worry or Fear or Stress.  Each of these evils try to creep in and take over my well being.  But now I ask myself to just sit and BREATH.  I do not react.  Sometime I get out my journal and write the worry away.  I breath again.  I do not react.  I simply go outside and sit with nature to release the fear away.  Then I breath some more.  I do not react.  I put on my sneakers and do something physical to kick the stress away.  With one more deep breath in and exhale out the 3 evils are gone away.  It is in those moments that I realize I have given power to the worry, fear, and stress.  Now, thankfully, I release them.
                         SIMPLIFY, SIMPLIFY, SIMPLIFY.
Life doesn't need to be hard.  Simply breath.  Let go of all the B.S.  Don't give it power.
Life is precious and short.

What will you REV UP for?

June is right around the corner.  Please register for my blog emails and you may win the book from my first post, "Running with Raven."  Tell your friends too.   Join in on the REVIN UP fun!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Looking at myself in the mirror lately I stare at that woman looking back at me.  I hardly recognize her.  Wait a minute!  I pull back my eyes, lift the sides of my chin.....That's better.  Now I remember her.

You know what they need to invent, I ask her?  FACE CLIPS!!!
My younger self doesn't get it but I laugh out loud causing great big laugh lines to appear around each eye.  I lean my body closer to the mirror for a better look.

Oh yes....
           That one was when I was a little girl being silly.
           That one was when someone told me a joke-made me laugh so hard soda came out my nose.
           That one was from jumping the big ocean waves.
           That one was when my dog jumped up to kiss me.
           That one was when my husband and I danced our first dance.
           That one and that one were from the sight of my 2 bundles of joy.

You know, I've decided that I'll keep each and every line.  They represent blessings of a happy life.
Today I look in the mirror and SMILE.  Hoping more lines appear proving still that I am living a happy life.

What's your happy?


  We just set our clocks ahead one hour.  Every time I do this it makes me contemplate time.  Time wasted.  Time well spent.  Hurry here, hu...