Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Live hard, LOVE harder

Since my last blog post, a little over a week ago, two people I know have been given 2-3 months to live.  Cancer. 
That word is so ugly to me.  I HATE it with all my heart and soul.  My dad was 58 when he lost his fight.  I often think when I turn 50 this year I could only have 8 years left.
My heart has been heavy watching the loved ones of these two beautiful beings who have limited time here on earth. 
I keep asking WHY?  I get no answers in reply.  I don't go to church but I'm a spiritual person.  I see GOD in nature that surrounds me.  The birds that sing to me in the morning.  The trees.  The mountains.  The ocean.  The sky.  I can feel there is more to this life here on earth.  There is more to this shell of a body that holds my soul.
I know my dad is with me.  Even if I can't see him, I can feel him.  But I still ask, WHY?
I'm sad and angry.  For the loss of my dad and the pain and sorrow for life ending too soon for friends.
The answer to the why will not come now- I hope someday, maybe.  Faith makes me look at the pain and sorrow, it makes me dissect the hurt.  To find the lesson. 
With my father the lesson has always been to care for others.  Be kind.  Do God's work.
Maybe the lessons from all suffering is to live hard and LOVE harder.
Hug those you love tonight extra hard.  Life is a blessing and we don't know how long we have.
Can you all do something for me.....
In memory of my dad do a KIND act for someone.
In the comments below tell me what you did. 
Out of pain we can find joy. 


  1. I am just entering your blog world, Kim. But you are always a breath of fresh air to me. Thanks for blowing my way tonight, I needed that!

  2. Dear Unknown. Thank you so much for your supportive words. They mean so much to me. I hope you will keep reading. If you do please drop me some comments. Keep Revin UP!



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