Looking at myself in the mirror lately I stare at that woman looking back at me. I hardly recognize her. Wait a minute! I pull back my eyes, lift the sides of my chin.....That's better. Now I remember her.
You know what they need to invent, I ask her? FACE CLIPS!!!
My younger self doesn't get it but I laugh out loud causing great big laugh lines to appear around each eye. I lean my body closer to the mirror for a better look.
Oh yes....
That one was when I was a little girl being silly.
That one was when someone told me a joke-made me laugh so hard soda came out my nose.
That one was from jumping the big ocean waves.
That one was when my dog jumped up to kiss me.
That one was when my husband and I danced our first dance.
That one and that one were from the sight of my 2 bundles of joy.
You know, I've decided that I'll keep each and every line. They represent blessings of a happy life.
Today I look in the mirror and SMILE. Hoping more lines appear proving still that I am living a happy life.
What's your happy?
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