Sunday, December 15, 2019

Running with Raven

I'm now 50 + 3 days.  Revin Up for 50...I DID IT!!!
I ran with the inspiring Mr. Raven.  I completed 8 miles in Miami.  It took me 3 hours.  The first 4 miles were great.  I felt strong.  By mile 6 my legs started to burn.  Mile 7 I was getting tired.  Mile 8 my knees were killing me.  Raven runs every day with spinal stenosis.  Now that is pain.  So my discomfort was nothing compared to his.  I pushed on and made it!  I now will be known to Raven and all other Raven runners as 12 mice.
I must be honest the hours before this run (which takes place every day at 4:30pm at the 5th St. life guard station) were TERRIBLE.  I was a total wreck from the moment I woke up.  I wear a fit bit and the heart monitor registered in the high 80s all thru the day.  I felt sick.  Light headed.  I was grumpy and full of negativity.  I kept yelling at myself, "Why did I do this?!"  "Why do I put myself thru unnecessary shit like this?!"  "I'm not a runner!!"  "I'll never complete this and I came all this way!!!"  These thoughts over powered me hour by hour.  I wanted to cry.  I wanted to quit before I even started.           But 4:30 arrived and somehow my feet actually made it over to the life guard stand.  I looked over and walking toward me was Raven. With my stomach doing flips and my heart beating out of my chest Raven gave me knuckles and off we went.  Two other runners joined us for 4 miles. At mile 5 another runner.  She stayed with us a few miles then it was just Raven and I.  We talked easily.  He told me some amazing stories.  We also talked baseball.  During the run Raven (unbeknownst to him) helped me believe in myself.  He made me realize that I could do this.  My body is strong.  My mind is too.  I just need to push and not stop.  (This lesson I will add to my daily living.)
Raven is amazing and a beautiful human being.  With his passion and wild dedication to running he has touched so many people.  I feel so blessed to have been able to share a run with this special, wonderful person.

At the end of the run, with my new nickname & aching knees I had a huge smile on my face.  I'm 50 and I DID IT!

Now I am REVIN UP for 50 MORE!!!!

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Ok folks...I'm almost at 8!  Took me 2 hours.  My knees hurt.
I don't think I will be able to fit in any more long runs before the 12th so that's it. 
Big GULP! 
I emailed Raven that he will see me on the 12th.  He replied that he was happy I am keeping my word.
 I look forward to meeting him and jogging along side the man that moved me to kick the age 50s butt! 
I'm nervous and excited.  Stay Tuned!


Monday, November 25, 2019


I've got 2 weeks left.  We leave on December 11! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


REVIN UP....took me 37 minutes.

Working on my miles not time. 

I just want to be able to do the 8!

And I'm's cold outside!!!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

An Absent Blogger....

Where have I been you may ask?   
I've been running.  And not the training kind.  Like I should have been doing. 
Like I said I would do.
I've been running away from myself. 
WHY?  You may ask. 
And I will say to you now....I do not know the WHY.

Tonight is exactly ONE MONTH until my 50th.  ONE MONTH until I run with Raven. 8 miles!!
And the picture above shows you what I am doing.

SO!!!!  Tomorrow I MUST REV it up!!!!!!

Join me on this last month.  Can I train enough to get in the 8 miles?  I have no idea. 
But my airline tickets are bought and I will be running with RAVEN.  Even if I have to crawl.

This absent blogger promises herself and you that I will document this last month of training.


Sunday, September 29, 2019


Mind over matter.  Isn't that how the saying goes?  In these 49 years I've come to realize the mind is a powerful tool.  When set in motion it can move you in ways that conquers and inspires, yet ,on the other side, the mind can be a total beast and set you back with doubt and insecurities.

The photo to the left is my grandfather, aka BABA.  He had a phrase of wisdom that he taught me, along with his other grandchildren, 
P A  C E.
Positive, Attitude, Changes, Everything.

I try to use this every single time I get a beast mind.  When my mind wants to kick me down to my lowest point  I call on P A C E to get me back on track.  It allows me to realize that it truly is all mind over matter.  That gaining that positive attitude shuts the beast up.  For me, most of the time, it is a constant battle in my mind.  But to move and change one must stay the course.  In doubt P A C E to the rescue.

footnote....In the photo Baba is shaking hands with President Gerald Ford.  He was honored to meet him to share in the P A C E movement. 


Saturday, September 21, 2019


So VERY EXCITED to get back to doing something that I love!

 I will be holding a JOURNAL WRITING workshop on Saturday October 5th & 12th.  From 11am- 1pm at Seven Arrows Farm.  Located at 346 Oakhill Ave.  Attleboro, Mass.  (508) 399-7860  JOURNAL WRITING WORKSHOP involves getting to know a very special someone, YOU.  We will open with a quiet meditation and then I will guide the journal writing process in a safe and comfortable way.  Cost is $75 for both sessions.  $45 for one session.  Call me or Seven Arrows to register.

October 26th I will be holding a JOURNAL WRITING WORKSHOP at Quantum. 549 Central Ave. Seekonk, Mass.  (508)639-9106.  11am-1pm.  Cost is $45  Call me or Quantum to register.

November 9, 16, 23.  I will be holding a CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP at Seven Arrows Farm.  11am- 1pm  CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOPS involve getting the creative juices flowing.  Come work on a writing piece you may already be working on or come and start something new.  I will open with a quiet meditation then we will delve into the creative writing process.  Please register for all 3 creative writing sessions.  Cost is $125.  Call me or Seven Arrows to register.

November 30. I will be holding a JOURNAL WRITING WORKSHOP at Quantum.  11am-1pm.  Cost is $45.  Call me or Quantum to register.

I look forward to writing with you.  Please call me or email me with any questions.  REVIN UP- CHEERS!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Why Not Me? Why Not You?

Seriously....WHY NOT?
I'm a writer.  A closet writer.  I secretly write....I do.  I write stories and poems.  I journal too.  I even self-published a book titled, "Footprints in the Snow."  I have another book finished, titled, "Muffin Tops and Spandex."  And I am currently writing a young adult book titled, "Scallop Bandits."

Since I was 5 years old I've dreamed about becoming a published author.  What has stopped me all these years?....ME!  Lately I've been thinking WHY NOT ME?!  All these years I've made excuses. I'm not good enough.  I'll never be good enough.  Who do I think I am?  But, WHY NOT ME?!

I've never taken myself seriously as a writer.  I hardly tell anyone I write or that I have a self-published book.  WHY?  Because I've been afraid that I'm not good enough.  I'm no J.K. Rowling, Kristen Hannah, or Stephen King.  But WHY NOT ME?!

WHY NOT ME?!  It's time to be brave and hold my pen up high for all to see.
                               I WRITE!
                               I AM A WRITER!
And I'm going to start submitting my work to publishers.  It's time.  WHY NOT ME?!
How about you?  What is the thing you've been wanting all your life?  It's time.  WHY NOT YOU?!

If you would like to purchase my book go to,  (in the search icon type in the ISBN number 9781465368713)  All proceeds will go to the St. Joseph Food Pantry in memory of my dad, Drew.  I'm stepping out of my comfort zone, if you'd like me to come speak to a group about my book, my writing process, or Revin Up please email me.

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Stay Tuned.  I've got a new raffle in the works.  HAPPY READING VICKY!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Summertime Blues

The days are getting shorter.  The flowers are looking heat defeated.  And I have to start getting up again at 5am!!  Yup, it's the close of the summer.  As they say all great things must come to an end.                                     And GREAT it was.....
                                                  *lots of licks of ice cream
                                                  *late nights trying to finish a good book
                                                  *many books read
                                                  *sand between the toes
                                                  *iced coffee at 3:00
                                                  *kids laughter in the pool
                                                  *burgers on the grill
                                                  *Williamsburg, VA
                                                  *sleeping in (dogs have the life.)
                                                  *the Saco River
                                                  *puppy kisses
                                                  *crepes w/ a pal
                                                  *and playing like a kid!  (thanks Derek!)
REVIN UP!!!!  CHEERS!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Under Pressure


4 Months minus 2 Days.... I will be 5 0!!  And running with Raven in Miami.
Before I started this blog I was dreading turning 50 now I'm dreading running the 8 miles.  Actually dreading is too harsh.  Resistant, that's better.

I am resisting the training.  Maybe procrastinating is even a better word.  In my life I am a really proficient procrastinator.  Always have been. I guess I work better under pressure.  I seem to always get what needs to be done, done.  But the journey to get there is not very smooth.  I kick and scream and dread. 

I guess 4 months - 2 days will work.

I can jog 1 mile it's the next 7 that freak me out!
Imagine Raven has not missed his 8 mile run since 1974!

How does one motivate oneself????? 
(please leave me a comment with ways you motivate yourself.  I need all the help I can get.)

                                            "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." 

I now sit on the edge of my bed lacing up my sneakers.
 Out the door I shall sneaker at a time. 

Cheers to REVIN UP!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Life minus Perfection = JOY

I think when you take PERFECTION out of your life equation it makes life way more fun. 
That, my friends, is exactly what I experienced recently when I tried the rope swing while floating down the Saco, River in NH. The rope was high up for a non-adventurer like myself.  The water wasn't as deep as I would have liked either.  Seemed a good height for breaking a bone.  To be honest I was going to pass and not jump.  The group I was with (the adults) seemed non-interested so I figured I was all good.  But a group of raucous ladies came about.  I'm all about having a good time and these ladies had it going on!  I quickly made friends and challenged them to a jump.  I figured they wouldn't climb out of their tubes.  Two brave ladies took me up on the challenge.  They climbed up the side of the banking like pros and at each turn they grabbed a hold of the rope swing like it was a giant piece of spaghetti.  They both landed in the water like graceful swans.  "Oh NO!  My Turn."  My heart was pounding.  Backing out was not an option.  I can proudly say in my 49 years my word is true.  GULP!  It helped as the big caravan of women chanted my name along with my family.  I made sure to preface I would not be as graceful.  I plodded up the side of the hill like a bull.  I grabbed hold of the rope which was a lot heavier than my 2 new friends made it look.  GULP.  I held on.  As I gathered my courage my head had many a thought...don't get hurt, hold on tight,  remember to let go, and God I hope I don't look foolish.  But with-in an instant with all the cheering, my heart beating and my body shaking I said to myself, "Who cares, Kim!  Just JUMP!"  And I did.  And it wasn't pretty but oh my was it FUN!!!!! When I came up out of the water to all the cheers it was pure JOY! 

REVIN UP may not be perfect but it sure can be a blast!!! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Totally Rad

The 80's.  Like totally cool.  Remember when the hair was big, the oversized neon sweatshirt hanging off one shoulder, over a pair of stirrup pants with leg warmers.  And let us not forget acid washed jeans, shoulder pads, MTV,  boom boxes, Atari, self made tapes for your Walkman.  Playing music like, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Journey, Def Leopard, The Boss.  Watching movies, Top Gun, ET, The Goonies, and my 2 favorites....Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club!  AHHHH, I've been walking down memory lane this past week.  Wishing the calendar read 1987.  The summer I was a graduate entering the "real" world.  Ohhhh, looking back at that young big eyed girl.  Full of lots of dreams but no direction.  The road was ahead but I had no idea which way to go.  (at that age who really does???)
       I've come up with 3 things I would tell my young self at that time....
            1.  Go for IT!  BUT have a PLAN! What ever you dream write it down and make a plan.  Then GET BUSY & DO IT!
            2.  SAVE $$$$$$!  You do not need those shoes or that sweater.  Put them back and get yourself to the bank!
            3. LOVE & LAUGH!  Do not worry about what others may think or say.  LOVE who you are.  You are worthy.  You are enough.  Now GO and LOVE all of LIFE.  LAUGH a lot!  Do not be so serious.  Giggle often.  Belly Laugh lots.  Surround yourself with what and who makes you happy and brings you joy.
               footnote.....You'll be fine- just chill.  You're not a dweeb-you're really gnarly & rad.
                                 And life has been WICKED TUBULAR!


Sunday, June 30, 2019

Work in Progress

I ate a BIG MAC, 2 HONEY DIPPED DONUTS, & 12 CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!  One day of eating like a maniac turns all of my excuses on.... I'm tired.  I'll skip the jog today.  I won't go to kickboxing class.  I just blew it anyway.  Before you know it a week goes by.  Then two and three.  I step on the scale....UP 5 pounds!  Now the guilt comes raining down like a powerful summer storm.  The shame follows quickly behind, with anger biting at my heels.  At this point I feel like I'm back to square one.  Frustrated and upset because I let myself down.  I swore I would never do this again.  But wait, it is time to regroup. No need to blame myself, beat myself up, or get discouraged.  I wouldn't treat a friend this way.  I'd support her.  So now I give myself the support I need.  I pick myself up.  Brush the crumbs off my face and begin again.  I dig deep for that kick ass attitude.   I must find it and use it!!  It's still there!!!  I must gather up all that angst about myself...I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'm old, I'm not good enough.  I must use the negative to fuel MY positive.  I AM getting healthy in MIND, BODY, & SPIRIT.  I AM ENOUGH!  SO today I laced up my sneakers and went back out the door.  I'm on the journey of REVIN UP!  It's a work in progress.  We are all a work in progress.

How's your REVIN UP journey?  Please leave comments below.  I'd love to hear about your journey. 

Monday, June 10, 2019


GRACE....simple elegance of refinement of movement.  Courteous goodwill.

As I ponder turning the BIG 5 0 there is one word that keeps coming to mind.  GRACE.  It's an item in my personality kit, if you will, that I feel I lack. 
Do those who have grace flip off the driver that cuts you off?  Does someone that has grace swear the F-word while explaining the loss of a Red Sox game?  I wonder!
When I think of GRACE I see a butterfly.  To me they are so graceful in flight.  They land softly on a  flower to gather the nectar.  With each flap of a wing their elegance is pure beauty. 
But GRACE is not just movement.  It's goodwill, generosity, and kindness.  I'd like to think I try each day to be kind.  To all humans and creatures alike.  I'm also working on inner kindness.  I think sometime we forget to give GRACE to ourselves.  That it's not selfish to say "No" to others when you may need rest.  It's okay to go to bed early.  It's okay to put yourself first. 
Thankfully I have time to practice earning GRACE to fill my kit.  It's something I think I'll be working on for years to come. (the Red Sox can really get me mad.)
Cheers to REVIN UP!

*winner of my first raffle was Vicki!!!  Congrats.  I'll be in touch.  Stay tuned for my next raffle.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Live hard, LOVE harder

Since my last blog post, a little over a week ago, two people I know have been given 2-3 months to live.  Cancer. 
That word is so ugly to me.  I HATE it with all my heart and soul.  My dad was 58 when he lost his fight.  I often think when I turn 50 this year I could only have 8 years left.
My heart has been heavy watching the loved ones of these two beautiful beings who have limited time here on earth. 
I keep asking WHY?  I get no answers in reply.  I don't go to church but I'm a spiritual person.  I see GOD in nature that surrounds me.  The birds that sing to me in the morning.  The trees.  The mountains.  The ocean.  The sky.  I can feel there is more to this life here on earth.  There is more to this shell of a body that holds my soul.
I know my dad is with me.  Even if I can't see him, I can feel him.  But I still ask, WHY?
I'm sad and angry.  For the loss of my dad and the pain and sorrow for life ending too soon for friends.
The answer to the why will not come now- I hope someday, maybe.  Faith makes me look at the pain and sorrow, it makes me dissect the hurt.  To find the lesson. 
With my father the lesson has always been to care for others.  Be kind.  Do God's work.
Maybe the lessons from all suffering is to live hard and LOVE harder.
Hug those you love tonight extra hard.  Life is a blessing and we don't know how long we have.
Can you all do something for me.....
In memory of my dad do a KIND act for someone.
In the comments below tell me what you did. 
Out of pain we can find joy. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

We (well if I'm honest, me) tend to make life so much harder than it needs to be.  Worry, Fear, and Stress can take over my entire being.  Lately, however, this REVIN UP for 50 has made me STOP to think about each and every time that I Worry or Fear or Stress.  Each of these evils try to creep in and take over my well being.  But now I ask myself to just sit and BREATH.  I do not react.  Sometime I get out my journal and write the worry away.  I breath again.  I do not react.  I simply go outside and sit with nature to release the fear away.  Then I breath some more.  I do not react.  I put on my sneakers and do something physical to kick the stress away.  With one more deep breath in and exhale out the 3 evils are gone away.  It is in those moments that I realize I have given power to the worry, fear, and stress.  Now, thankfully, I release them.
                         SIMPLIFY, SIMPLIFY, SIMPLIFY.
Life doesn't need to be hard.  Simply breath.  Let go of all the B.S.  Don't give it power.
Life is precious and short.

What will you REV UP for?

June is right around the corner.  Please register for my blog emails and you may win the book from my first post, "Running with Raven."  Tell your friends too.   Join in on the REVIN UP fun!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Looking at myself in the mirror lately I stare at that woman looking back at me.  I hardly recognize her.  Wait a minute!  I pull back my eyes, lift the sides of my chin.....That's better.  Now I remember her.

You know what they need to invent, I ask her?  FACE CLIPS!!!
My younger self doesn't get it but I laugh out loud causing great big laugh lines to appear around each eye.  I lean my body closer to the mirror for a better look.

Oh yes....
           That one was when I was a little girl being silly.
           That one was when someone told me a joke-made me laugh so hard soda came out my nose.
           That one was from jumping the big ocean waves.
           That one was when my dog jumped up to kiss me.
           That one was when my husband and I danced our first dance.
           That one and that one were from the sight of my 2 bundles of joy.

You know, I've decided that I'll keep each and every line.  They represent blessings of a happy life.
Today I look in the mirror and SMILE.  Hoping more lines appear proving still that I am living a happy life.

What's your happy?

Monday, April 29, 2019

My thoughts on turning 50 changed the minute I closed this book.  I am so thankful I found and read it because the thought of turning 50 was, for me, like a downward spiral on the road to death.  Rather than hitting my mid-life crisis and buying a sports car or going in for Botox and a boob job I was in a crisis of despair.  I thought once I turned 50 I'd be that much closer to my casket.  Depressing....I know!!!!  This book gave me the kick in the butt I needed.  It was my wake up call to live.  Live and live life to the fullest.  So this is what I am doing.  I'm REVIN UP for 50!!  With the closing of the book I emailed Raven and told him on my 50th birthday I would be in Miami to join him on his 8 mile run. (His book might mention that he has run 8 miles since 1975.  He hasn't missed one day!!) He emailed me back, which I was shocked and psyched about, he said; "God willing, he will see me on the 12th of December."   Since that day my outlook has changed drastically.  I'm jogging every day and I joined kick boxing.  My dream since I was 5 years old was to become a published author.  I'm now working toward that goal.  I wake up every day inspired to be the best me possible.  I truly am grabbing at life and living it every day to it's fullest.  I feel great and powerful and ready to see that 5 0 on the horizon.  (it freaks me out still, a little) but it's not a dread like it was before.  I hope you'll share your dreams and inspirations with me in the comments. I'm also collecting emails.  By giving me your email I will keep you updated on new blog posts, my writing, and giveaways.  Which brings me to the first REVIN UP giveaway....I will collect emails that you give me and have a raffle on June 1st.  The email drawn will win a copy of "Running with Raven."  I hope you'll join me.  Cheers to Revin UP!


  We just set our clocks ahead one hour.  Every time I do this it makes me contemplate time.  Time wasted.  Time well spent.  Hurry here, hu...